A little Bit of Nachat

Waking up this morning I thought I knew the rules of the game. Earlier this week, 154 stones in a Jewish cemetery in Missouri were violated. Anti-Semitism world wide was on the rise, and maybe it was time for me to bring my angle about this. But then I pulled up the Israeli news site and read that Vice President Mike Pence put on gloves, flew into Missouri and helped clean up the place. (http://patch.com/us/white-house/mike-pence-helps-clean-vandalized-jewish-cemetery)



Vice President Pence landing a hand at the desecrated Jewish cemetery

Than I recalled another piece of news I saw this week: Nicki Heily, the US ambassador to the UN, condemned the UN tendencies against the only democracy in the Middle East – Israel. (http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/20/nikki-haley-slams-united-nations-for-anti-israeli-double-standards/)

Earlier this week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Australia. This is the first time an Israeli PM is received in Australia. Not only that, he was welcomed with a heartwarming, unique speech! (http://www.news.com.au/national/politics/israeli-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu-arrives-in-australia/news-story/5e5188a2b384d31ce8c8a5dbfc0d3013)


Prime Minister Netanyahu with
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

We are so used to the world going crazy, in the opposite direction to God and in clear objection to His people. What shall we do when the world is getting even crazier, and influential politicians start liking us and talk about it in front of the media?

The most bizarre yet in my opinion: an Israeli news site published a piece two days ago. I can assure you we never before came across such information. (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4922341,00.html)

Does the world really wants to turn Jewish? What is going on? Will I have anything left to write about?

Then it dawned on me: I do not believe it! Deep down inside I don’t believe we will be wanted or loved as a nation. Ya, maybe one day, in heaven. Not down here. Sure, all those incidents reported above all happened. Yes, something different is happening in western politics where Israel is concerned, but deep inside I just know there must be a catch. Soon the cameras will be turned off, the lights will be turned on and we will all see what is really going on behind the scenes.

For decades, centuries, even millenniums, we have been so used to the world turning against us. No matter what the facts were, eventually we were found guilty. No matter what atrocities were done to us, we were the ones who had to defend ourselves (not that it made much difference). We were the ones left to clean up what others have done against us.

Several reports coming lately out of Arab nations tell that Jews should no longer be blamed as a nation for all disasters throughout history; that the Palestinian cause is no longer a primary concern in the Arab world. These reporters’ heads are still sitting on their shoulders.

Another Saudi journalist said that the Arab world is no longer concerned with the Palestinian cause as it used to be, and that continuing with armed resistance only hurts the Palestinians themselves.

A Kuwaiti journalist expressed his support for relocating the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. “Be Brave – move to Jerusalem and trust in God,” he said.


Things are changing inside Israel as well. A decision was passed recently by our Knesset, which regulates the legal status of settlements behind the green line. This legally establishes the status of hundreds of thousands of Israelis, who settled in the mountains of Judea and Samaria. They did it at the prompting of previous administrations, but later on became the recipients of much despise, especially from the media. These residents were facing a constant threat of evacuation, living with an ongoing sense of uncertainty. Finally there is an end to this crazy affair, which has lasted for decades.

Yesterday, four new judges were elected to Israel’s Supreme Court. Up to now it was comprised for the most part of left wing judges, who led some sort of a revolution – i.e. meddled in the minute details of legislation and prevented a large majority of the government’s decisions. Indeed, they have the legal right to do so in Israel. However, this new body of judges elected is much more conservative. It will not interfere in such a way with the government’s ruling, and is much more right winged and religious in nature.

Have we hardened our hearts, or is it only me? Prayers are answered, things are moving in the international arena, but can we see see God’s mighty Arm moving on our behalf?

I know… there are end time prophecies. There are still difficult and painful days to come. But in the meantime, I will try and do with a bit of satisfaction. Satisfaction – “Nachat.” A great Hebrew-Yiddish word. I’m not sure it can be translated into one English word. It alludes to comfort and convenience, warmth and a wide smile on one’s face. Yes, we can do with some Nachat. So, why do I feel like I still need to keep my gloves on?

Oh well, Shabbat is at hand and I have to go and cook dinner. For a little while I can exchange the boxing gloves with disposable ones.

I wish you Shabbat shalom, full of Nachat

10 thoughts on “A little Bit of Nachat”

  1. Orna
    I can only say that what has happened in my heart ❤️ for Israel and the Jewish people is not of my own – it is the Lord who turns the hearts of men like channels in the river – people who love The Lord will be turned to our brothers and sisters in the place where His Name dwells
    Bless you my Jewish friend


    1. You are right. It takes a divine revelation to get rid of the blindness concerning Israel. But once one’s eyes open, it comes with a calling. I am so delighted He did it in your life, and I pray that He will enlarge your circles of influence and use you to open more eyes.


  2. God bless you dear! I don’t know if you will remember this, but next time you are in Chattanooga Tenn., please send me a message (email) so I can visit. I live just a few hours car ride from there, in East Alabama.


  3. Hi Orna, I’m sending a quote to you from Vice-President Pence that he gave at CPAC. Pence talked of being proud to stand with a President that stands with Israel, “Israels’ fight is our fight, her cause is our cause, her values are our values and under President Trump America will stand with Israel.” Perhaps God Is working in the hearts of Americans, bringing us into agreement with his statement. I most assuredly hope so.

    We are absolutely living in the most incredible times…..in the States, there are so many mixed, passionate, emotions. Lies, deceptions, promises, acute anger, acute hope……….many people seem to be “off balance”. Yet, thankfully, God Is totally in control…..the hearts of the kings are in His Hands. I can understand how this shift in gentile thinking could be confusing to those who have suffered so deeply at the hands of some gentiles. An article was sent to me this week which said that there is a real possibility of a new trial for Yeshua in Israel. Things are really moving in the spiritual realm and all of these new actions are causing some confusion for most…if not all… of us. This is a time, probably like no other time, to enter The Tabernacle and stay with our King, our God.

    I am praying for Israel and will surely pray for God to guide you as you sort through these changes and as you go forward.

    Shabbat Shalom, Adrienne

    On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 5:11 AM Orna Grinman | Ot OoMofet Ministries | A Sign and Examp


  4. I believe that this new found favor toward Israel is definitely God moving, first by seeing to it that Donald Trump became president of the USA. He was very clear in his campaign that he would renew a positive relationship with Israel.


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